Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Four Banana Skins


As if love of their life called for them from the other shore,
Jumped into the river,
For a moment,
To bang their heads on the rubber wall of the dam
To drift afloat as dead bodies.
For a moment.


Eggs put to boil,
For a moment,
Took the first waves of the warming up water
As the love of their mother’s abdomen.
For a moment.


Sprouted beans,
Before falling into the frying pan,
For a moment,
Dreamt of climbing up,
Reaching out green tentacles.
For a moment.


And me,
While walking, thinking God gave bananas
Their three-zipped skin
For us to eat them neatly without
Smearing dirt from our hands,
For a moment,
Put a foot on a banana skin somebody thrown
And ah!


Babitha Marina Justin said...

Witty, sarcastic and philosophical. something very nice about your poems :)

Anonymous said...

Endinu buddhimuttunnu? Mathrubhashayil ithra nannayi ezhuthan pattumbol?translation enikku vittuthannekkoo